All Age Service – Lydia Harrison
The link to this week’s all age service is:
Message from Lydia
Change is coming…
This Sunday will be the last All Age Worship in its current format. From September, the all age services will be moving to once a month, on the first Sunday of each month. September’s service will be the second installment of the Holiday Club service, which is a joint project between the York circuit and the Goole and Selby Circuit, with children from both circuits attending (you don’t have to have taken part in the holiday club to enjoy and understand the service, though), and October’s will be an all age Harvest service, with Tim Baker from All We Can.
Churches are making tentative steps in reopening, but many are going to keep online services going as long as they can to enable worship to remain accessible to all. Indeed, the York Circuit is making available to us an All Age service once a month which can be used as a service or in a Junior Church setting.
Changes are coming for me, too. It is partly due to these that I am stepping back from weekly all age worship. It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to help guide the church through this season, and I hope you have got as much out of the services as I have from leading them. With love and grateful thanks for all the support and encouragement Mark and I have received over the last 5 months,
Lydia (Children and Family Work Enabler for the Goole and Selby Circuit)
Thank you to Becky George ( for allowing us to use her Makaton videos.
Thank you to Matt Beckingham for allowing us to use his recording of Have you heard God’s voice (
Thank you also to all those who have contributed to the Lord’s Prayer video.
We are once again grateful to to for giving permission to use their resources and to Lost Sheep AU for allowing us to use their resources
Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Circuit Service – Revd Ian Hill
The link to this week’s circuit service is: