Pet Service – Lydia Harrison
The link to this week’s service is:
One of the things that has really helped me through this time of pandemic and lockdown is my dog-in-law Fizz (pictured). She is such a lovely, happy dog and she brightens up my day. She just carries on loving us and being excited to see us. I wonder if your pet has helped you too, and you’d like to give thanks for them?
I reckon doing this kind of service digitally is lower risk to animals and carpets than doing it in person…!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this service, including those who have sent in photos and videos and done prayers or readings.
Thank you also to Becky George ( for allowing us to use her Makaton videos, and to Lost Sheep AU for allowing us to use their resources. “All Creatures of our God and King” taken from iSingWorship – all rights reserved. “Cows go moo” by Doug Horley (
Traditional Service – Revd Ian Hill
Revd Ian Hill has provided a more traditional style service in the circuit this week. This will be available at from Sunday.