Huntington Methodist Church Council would value your thoughts on how the church and premises can serve you and our local community.
The questionnaire is anonymous unless you choose to include your details at the end.

    The Building

    1. Have you been in any part of the building for any purpose in the last 3 years?

    2. If so for what purpose?

    3. Do you feel the building could be used more by the community?
    YesNoNot Sure

    4. If yes - in what ways?

    5. Do you find the external church noticeboard useful?

    Your Neighbourhood

    1. Do you feel that any of the following affect your quality of life?
    CrimeDebtLoneliness/isolationNo activities to get involved inAnti-social behaviourInadequate housingUnemploymentPoor physical/mental well-beingOther:

    2. What type of facilities would you or anyone else in your household use if available?
    Community cafeAdvice centreParenting supportJob clubDementia supportCraft GroupCinemaToddler GroupOther:

    Taking Part

    1. What do you think puts people off from taking part in community activities?
    People can struggle with child carePeople don’t know what’s happeningPeople don’t want community activitiesPeople don’t have time to take partThe right activities are not availableLack of transportThe cost of activities is too highOther:

    2. How would you prefer to hear about groups / events / activities taking place in your area?
    The InternetLocal MagazineHigh Street ShopsLocal PubNotice BoardsLocal RadioFacebookTwitterOther:

    3. Have you looked at the Huntington Methodist Church website before today?

    Faith and Spirituality

    1. Do you attend worship of any kind? Please indicate which faith group you engage with.

    2. Are you interested in spirituality of any type? Please indicate which type.

    3. Would you like to have space during the week for quiet reflection?
    YesNoNot sure

    About You

    In order for our survey to be representative of the area can you please indicate which age group you fall into:
    Under 18 years18 to 25 years26 to 40 years41 to 55 years56 to 64 years65 to 75 years76 years and over

    Please enter your postcode only:

    Which of the following describes your current status?
    Employed in full-time job (30+ hours a week)Employed in part-time job (less than 30 hours a week)Self employed (full or part-time)Full time educationUnemployed and available for workPermanently sick or disabledWholly retired from workCarer

    Any further comments you would like to make?

    If you would like further information, please add you contact details (optional):



    Email Address: